7 Ways to Cut Costs on Groceries

Many people end up spending way too much money on groceries. We always go to the grocery store with a short list and somehow manage to make it down every single aisle, buying a ton of items that we don’t need. The truth is, we obviously can’t live without groceries, but we can cut our grocery costs.

Do you need to stop overbuying at the grocery store? Here are a few tips to help you stick to that grocery budget (and maybe even come out underneath it).

Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals for the week allows you to figure out exactly what you’re going need for each meal and which ingredients you already have. This way, you aren’t buying two of everything, because you’ll have already checked out the fridge and the pantry to see what you can use from there.

Make a budget and stick to it

Figure out how much money you need to buy the groceries that you absolutely need. (And only the groceries you need.) Once you have that amount, pull out the cash for it, stick it into an envelope, and only bring that money to the store. You can’t spend money that you don’t have, so you’ll be stuck buying only what you budgeted for. You may hate yourself while you’re standing in front of the cookie aisle and can’t buy any, but you’ll thank yourself for it later. 

Shop big every 2 weeks

Rather than running to the grocery store every couple of days to pick up things here and there, go every other week for one big shop, and get everything that you need in one fell swoop. This is easier on you, and it’ll save you money and time.

Leftovers, leftovers, and more leftovers

Do you get what we’re putting out here? Leftovers are a great way to save money on groceries. Cook your meals in bulk, and stick them in the freezer. Freezer meals last for a while, so you’ll have meals for a few extra days (or even weeks!), and you won’t have to keep going to the store.

Keep your eye out on sales

Grocery stores always have sales going on so there is no reason why you shouldn’t take advantage of them. Keep your eye out for items that you frequently buy, and stock up if they go on sale. You can always stick it in the freezer to make it last longer.

Get the store brand

Don’t be super picky on what brand you buy for certain items. Most times, it’ll be cheaper for you to just buy the store brand (and spoiler alert: it usually tastes exactly the same). If you don’t like the store brand, you can always go back to the name brand next time you need to shop.

Use coupons

Couponing is such an easy way for you to save money on your groceries. Grocery stores are constantly giving out coupons for their products, so use them! Instead of shoving them into your pocket, never to be seen again, take advantage of the deals. Sometimes you can even use a coupon on an item that’s already on sale. Cut out the coupons in the newspaper and look online; you’ll save a ton of money by doing something so simple.

You don’t have to be an extreme couponer in order to save money on your groceries; you just have to plan it out. With these tips, you’ll be able to cut grocery costs in no time!