How To Save On Winter Heating Bills

In the colder months, the high cost of heating your home can wreak havoc on your finances. When the temperature outside starts dropping, it’s tempting to crank up the heat in your home. Although the average electric bill costs around $180 per month for apartment residents, you can end up paying much more if you’re not careful. Here are five smart strategies for reducing your winter heating bills and saving money every month.

Bundle up

One of the easiest ways to save on heating bills is to bundle up while you’re at home. Throw on warm sweatpants or leggings, a chunky sweater, and thick socks when you turn the thermostat down. During the winter, put flannel sheets on your bed and stock the sofas with plenty of fleece blankets. Try placing area rugs on tile floors that may be uncomfortably cold to walk on.

Let light in

Take advantage of free solar energy by opening curtains and blinds during the winter. Sunlight will naturally warm rooms and has been shown to have a positive effect on your mood. Cover windows and patio doors with plastic film to prevent cold air from slipping through the cracks. Plastic wrap can help you save almost 15 percent on your home heating costs.

Change filters

Aim to change your filters once a month. Dirty, clogged filters will block heating access and force your system to work harder. In addition, clear furniture and carpeting away from heating vents to get the full benefit of the warm air. Make sure that all vents in rooms that are used frequently stay open, but consider closing off low-traffic rooms and shutting the vents.

Buy a programmable thermostat

Programmable thermostats are essential for lowering both your heating and cooling bills. Turn down the heat by 10 to 15 degrees at night and when you are gone for several hours or more to drastically reduce your bills. Although the initial cost is high, you may want to invest in a smart home system such as Nest. Technologies like Nest are capable of learning your lifestyle and adjusting the temperature accordingly. The device can sense when you have left the home or are sleeping. A Nest system can save as much as 12 percent on heating expenses and 15 percent on cooling.

Add insulation

For an idea of how much insulation your home needs, visit the Department of Energy’s website and put in your zip code. In general, you should insulate the attic access door and the inside of walls. Seal the ductwork in the basement and attic to prevent losing heat from any tears or leaks. Close the chimney flue when not in use, and consider adding an inflatable chimney balloon to completely seal the opening.

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