Online Banking Tips

Online banking has become the most preferred method of banking for Americans in recent years. It is time-efficient, easy to access, and offers basic banking services. Read below for some tips on how to learn more on our online banking services. 

Benefits to Online Banking

We understand that life is hectic and you may not always have time come into a physical bank to handle your financial needs. You may always have time to wait for a financial advisor or have 30 minutes to spare to make a simple transfer. Our online banking services offer customers the convenience to handle their financial obligations at whatever time best suits them. No lines, no long wait times, and if there are any questions, customers can always message us on our website or social media and receive a timely response. 

Process of Our Online Banking 

Using our online banking system is a very easy process that takes minutes. We like to think of it as our loyalty program. You would have to have a pre-existing account with one of our branches. To successfully onboard we would need the following information:

  • The type of account you are wanting to use, e.g. a savings or personal checking account

  • The account number 

  • Your social security number 

  • An email address for us to have on file for updates, alerts, e-receipts, etc.

And just like that, you have become a member of our online banking system! From here you have complete access to viewing your online statements, paying online bills, making wire transfers between accounts, and so many more features. 

Simple Terms that Could Save You Thousands 

We strongly urge users to become familiar with a few financial terms that will make online banking comprehendible and upgrade your financial intelligence. This can be the difference between a cyber thief stealing your information and hacking your account, and you being able to protect your information and your assets. These terms include but are not limited to:

  • Log out of your accounts: Is it annoying to constantly sign in and out of your accounts every time you use them? Yes. By not doing this though, you are giving a cyber thief free access to all your personal information. Especially if you are using unsecured Wi-Fi, make sure you are logging off and deleting any usernames and not auto-saving your passwords with google. It may be annoying but it could save you drastically. 

  • Constantly change your passwords: Depending on how many accounts you have, you should have a different password for each. Understand that it is a hacker’s mission to figure out your passwords to steal your information. They tend to target those who seem like they would use easy passwords such as “charlestongirl1” or “firstname_lastname”. To secure your accounts even more, constantly refresh and change your password every couple of months. This may become difficult to remember, so write them down and keep them in a secure place. 

  • Shop Securely, Not Conveniently: Holidays and semi-annuals sales are big times for retail stores and their customers, it also a great time for hackers to steal information. Many Americans are tending to opt for online shopping then going into physical stores and they tend to leave their credit card information on file for convenience. When it comes to online shopping never store your card on file, always check that the site begins with “https”, and that the Wi-Fi is secure. 

Banking can be overwhelming if you do not have the financial tools to navigate it successfully. It is okay because Bank of Lowcountry offers ways that you can improve. We offer blogs and newsletters that are constantly keeping customers informed and updated on new financial terms or tools to use to improve their finances. On our site, we offer interactive modules that explain basic banking concepts with a guided transcription so you can learn at your own pace. If you have time, stop by one of our local branches to have one of our financial advisors set you up with our online banking or any other tools to help set you up for economic success.